Today is Thanksgiving...therefore I thought I would write of things that I am grateful for.
*I am grateful first and formost for the LOVE of the SAVIOR in my life. Not only is he my SAVIOR but my BROTHER. He loves me no matter what becuase I am his LITTLE SISTER.
*I am grateful for a Heavenly FATHER and MOTHER that know me and love me better than anyone else ever has or ever will. I am grateful for the KNOWLEDGE that I have about them.
*I am grateful for the Holy Ghost. His spirit is the most comforting feeling and helps me when no one else in this world can.
*I am grateful for a family that sealed together for all of ETERNITY.
*I am grateful for a dad who has always been worthy of the priesthood and has shown me that he loves me in his own special ways.
*I am grateful for my mother and for the friend that she is to me. I am grateful for all of the talks that we have no matter what time of night or morning it is.
*I am grateful for the best brothers and sisters in the world (including in-laws). I am grateful for the relationship we have and that I know I can always count on any of you.
*Today my heart is overflowing with love for my little brother Caden. I miss him so much. But I am so grateful for the example he is and always has been to me. Our relationship is one that I don't have with anyone else. I am grateful that he is on a mission. I am grateful that he is serving the Lord in a way I never did. I am grateful that Caden is my little brother and will be forever.
*I am grateful for an education. I am so blessed to have not only been able to go to school but to go to college and get a degree in something that I love so that I can help other people.
*I am grateful that I am able to read and write.
*I am grateful for the place that I live and for the freedoms that this country has given me.
*I am grateful for anscestors and people that went before me, who endured endless trial and tribulation just so I could have a better life.
*I am grateful for the Temple and the feeling I have when I am there. I am grateful that I am worthy to go into Gods house and participate in sacred ordinances to give back the the people who have given so much for me.
*I am grateful that there is a plan. Not only a plan but a plan of HAPPINESS.
*I am grateful to know that no matter how lost or frustrated I may feel in my life my Father in Heaven has a plan specifically for me.
*I am grateful for nieces and nephews and their endless hugs and kisses. I am grateful that i am an aunt and that I live so close to those choice spirits that are in our family.
*I am grateful for grandparents and the testimony that they have of the gospel. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to have them in my life and to have been able to get to know them and love them.
I could go on and on and on of things I am grateful for. But somethings just cannot be put into words. Therefore I will end here and hope that we all have a thanksgiving not stuffing ourselves with food, but with gratitude and love for the things that we have.
6 days ago
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