So last night was so much fun!! My friends and I went to the Bishops house for dinner and we had an awesome time. After that we were bored and thought we would go and see a movie but there wasn't anything playing that we wanted to see. So we decided to get bundled up (not enough I might add) and go to Christmas Village. It was SOOOOOO cold but sooo much fun. We took this picture of all 4 of us and tied the camera from this light and then just put it on a timer and hoped that it would swing the right way when it went off and it did. I will post it as soon as I get a copy from Jordan. After that fun adventure we went out to watch some of my friends play indoor soccer. (I know, I hate soccer but we were bored.) Then we all went with Scott and Ben to Dee's to get hot chocolate (and cheese fries) and we stayed there until 1:00 this morning. It was so much fun. Ihave not laughed that much in a long time. There are for sure pictures to come of this fun event!
Christmas is getting so close and I am trying to get in the spirit but I can't seem to concentrate on anything cuz of finals. At least I have them this week and then I will be done for a couple of weeks. YEAH!!!
Mom ( and I guess dad too) are sooo cute. This year for christmas they decided to do the twelve days of christmas for all of us kids instead of having us open a lot of presents on christmas. They wrote this whole letter about it and about what the theme is and then they numbered all of the gifts and put a letter on each of those too. Today I got the animals that go with my willow tree nativity. It is so much fun. I love that it will make Christmas last longer. I love it!!!
So my niece Lilly is so funny. I have gotten a phone call from her almost everyday this week. (She will turn 2 this month.) I tell you what for someone who doesn't speak english (or any other language for that matter) we talk on the phone for quite some time. She is constantly laughing. My sister says that she just puts her head in her hand and laughs. It is so much fun. She calls me JZZZ (just sound it out) and none of us know why cuz the rest of the kids call me Kikki but she is a sweatheart. I love our talks!
6 days ago
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