K so I know it has been a super long time since the last time I updated but I have been a super busy girl. So this will probably be a long post just so I can catch up. First of all I graduated with my LPN!!! YAY!!! I am officially a nurse but it doesn't really feel like it because I am still going to school for my RN. It will be nice to be done though in December. It is just going to be a pretty crappy summer being in class all the time. Whadda ya do? eh?
Second, there really isn't a second. HAHAHA that is funny. My life is school. How depressing is that? :) Pretty much the reason I wanted to blog today is because I had one of the best nights last night with my dad that I have ever had. And you know what we did? He just sat and talked to me about what his life was like growing up. HE told me all of these stories about him and my grandpa that I didn't even know. First of all it is so funny. My grandpa Carter grew up down in santaquin and he had a goat that LOVED chewing tobacco! Isn't that hilarious? Every time my grandpa grandpa (great grandpa) Carter would drive up the goat would see the car and come runnin. My grandpa grandpa would put chewin tobacco in the goats cheek and off he would go.
He told me another story about a time that my grandpa and dad were fishin and grandpa got into a little tiff with some guy that was on the bank and it escalated until my grandpa stood up in the boat and grabbed an oar. My dad thought he was gonna hit the guy with it. As soon as my grandpa stood up the guy shut up. Thats right!! Don't mess with us Carters! That was another thing. He told me that all the Carters knew how to stand up for themselves and you always wanted them on your side.
One time my grandpa was hunting after hours and this park ranger caught him. Well grandpa was huntin with his dads gun and the park ranger took it away. Well grandpa had to go home and tell his dad that he didn't have his gun. Instead of gettin in trouble, my grandpa grandpa Carter went down to that park ranger and gave him a piece of his mind and got his gun back.
One day my dad went hunting with my great grandpa and some guy shot towards my dad and hit him in the neck. My dad started bleeding and my great grandpa walked right over to that guy and gave him scotch blessing. He was hoppin mad at that other hunter. Dad told me Grandpa grandpa carter was a man of his own. He liked to cuss and drink and he wasn't gonna change for no one.
My great grandpa was a trapper. He would go trappen and get drunker than a skunk. In fact he liked to drink so much that my great grandma Eva would watch for him to come home and go and find his alcohol. When he was in the barn or shed skinnin his treasure, she would put some stuff in his drink that would make him throw up when he wasn't lookin. So he would just be sicker than a dog. "Oh Hell my stomach hurts, I must be comin down with the flu, I didn't know if I was even gonna make it outta bed today" he would say. To his dyin day he never caught on to what was happenin. He just always drank his alcohol.
My dad would go fishin with my grandpa and great grandpa a lot. My dads cousin Norman would also go with them. Well norman was a little trouble maker teen. Grandpa grandpa carter would always have his six pack of beer with him on the boat and when he wasn't lookin, Norman would shake up one of those cans and then offer it to my great grandpa. He would open up that can and it would go everywhere. Oh it made him so mad. On time on the way home from fishin, Norman was drivin grandpa grandpa carter crazy so he made him go sit in the back of the truck. Well Norman didn't want to do that so he stood up in the back and would bang his hands on the hood of the car the whole way down strawberry canyon until they pulled over. Grandpa would be so mad that he would go chasin after him but norman was too fast.
These little tricks run in the family. There was a time when My grandpa was out in the desert with his dad and his brother. Well he thought it would be funny to fill up their sleepin bags with sand. So he filled up their boots with it and then dumped it in there bags. He got in his sleepin bag before they did and pretended like he was asleep. Well when the other two went to bed the fireworks started and my grandpa was runnin for his life across the desert in his underware. HAHAHA I laughed so hard.
Well this is probably enough stories for today. There are more that I want to write down just so we have record of it. I don't know if some of these stories are even written down anywhere so I will probably write some more down again later.
6 days ago
I love the stories! I'm so glad youre writing them down!
This is so neat! I have a lot of stories that I need to write down about my grandparents and even my parents just so I don't forget them. Sometimes, Trever will tell me a story about him growing up in North Carolina and I think to myself, "I need to write that down before we forget it." Good job! Maybe I'll take some initiative now.
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